Po roku biliardové Slovensko opäť privíta prestížny turnaj najlepších hráčov východnej Európy. Slovenský biliardový zväz preplatí štartovné v plnej výške hráčom na 1. až 30.mieste (poradie sa neposúva pri neúčasti niektorého hráča) aktuálneho rebríčka mužov a hráčom do 23 rokov, ktorý sa aspoň raz zúčastnili na Slovenskom pohári v edícii 2019.
Prihlasujte sa bezodkladne na : mak@makmarketing.pl – preposlať aj na sbiz1994@gmail.com do 10.8.2019!!!
Zoznam slovenských hráčov: Janík Adam, Koniar Jakub, Konárik Marcel, Lisík Jozef, Mikuška Peter, Kubán Michal, Kuník Martin, Husák Richard, Lang Daniel, Gajanec Martin, Guliš Samuel, Strákoš Martin, Sekan Radovan, Ďuráči Michal, Fekete Lukáš, Hajdovský Marek (CZ), Köles Balázs, Kis Martin
Date: 17.08. 2019 – 18.08.2019
Venues: Billiard Club LAVOS, Mlynské nivy 4962/54, 82109 Bratislava
Accreditation: 17.08.2017 at 8.30-9.15 in Billiard Club LAVOS
Tables/ Cloth/ Balls- 2 x Dynamic III 9ft + 1 x Dynamic II 9 ft + 3 x Wik 9 ft + 3 x Pro Star 9 ft + Iwan Simonis 860, Aramith,
16.08. at. 18.00 – the new individal event „ Fast 9- ball“
9-Ball, race to 2-3 , alternate break, shot-clock 10 secund, single elimination.
Entry fee 10 euro. Prize money 50% from entry fee ( 1st place – 30 % , 2nd place -20%).
17.08.2019 – 8.30 – 9.30 – registration for Dynamic Billard Best of the East – in the club,
10.00 – opening ceremony and start of matches,
18.08.2019 – 17.00 – final and award ceremony.
1st Stage – Robin Round – matches in groups ,race to 5-7; The best 16-32 players will qualified to the next round.
2nd Stage – last 16 or 32 single elimination, (depending on the number of participants) , race to 7, The tournament is open for all athletes.
in mak@makmarketing.pl only !!!! .
Dresscode: Polo shirt, one color trousers (no jeans and sport trousers allowed), shoes (no sneakers and sportshoes allowed).
Prize money
1st – place- 1.000 euro, 2nd place- 600 €, 3-4th place- 400 euro , 5-8thplace- 200 € .
Entry-fee for men athletes is 55€ and women and pupil athletes 30€. The participants pay during the registration.
Holliday Inn Bratislava **** (5 minutes by car, 17 minutes by walk)
Bajkalska 25/A, Ružinov, 825 03 Bratislava,
Aston Hotel **** (5 minutes by car, 17 minutes by walk)
Bajkalska 22, Ružinov, 821 09 Bratislava,
Hotel Blue Garni *** (4 minutes by car, 8 minutes by walk)
Hontianska 4, Ružinov, 821 09 Bratislava,
Hotel Jurki Dom *** (7 minutes by car, 25 minutes by walk)
Domkarska 4, Ružinov, 82105 Bratislava,
Hotel Turist * (6 minutes by car, 25 minutes by walk)
Ondavska 5, Ružinov, 820 05 Bratislava,
Or diferent hotel in Bratislava www.booking.com
Tournament director – Marcin Krzeminski
Local tournament director – Samuel Koniar,
Head referee – Alexandru Balas.
Three the best players from 2019 ranking will qualified to EEBC team for the AFRI-EAST EURO CUP 2020 !!!
Ranking points:
1 place – 100 points,
2 place – 80 points,
3-4 place – 70 points,
5-8 place – 65 points
9-16 place – 55 points,
17-24 place – 50 points,
25-32 place – 45 points,
33-48 place – 40 points,
49-64 place – 35 points
65- 96 place – 30 points
97 – …. place – 25 points,
The ranking we published on the Mak Marketing and EEBC websites.