Dynamic Best of the East 20.-21.10. – Oradea, Rumunsko

Mak Marketing, ATD – Dynamic Company

Black & White Club and East European Billiard Council present:


Dynamic Best of the East – 2018- Romania 9-BALL



Oradea – Date: 20.10.2018 – 21.10.2018

Venues: Club  Black & White Biliard Str. Motilor 2, Oradea -Romania

Accreditation- player meeting : 20.10. at 9.00 in the Club.

Tables/ Cloth/ Balls– 10 tables 9 ft Dynamic II  / Iwan Simonis 860 / Aramith

Schedule: Dynamic Best : 20.10.2018 – 9.00 – 9.30 -registration in the club ,

 – 10.00 – opening ceremony and start of matches,

– 21.10.2018 – 17.00 – final and award ceremony.

Tournament: 9-ball; 1st Stage – double K.O race to 7; 2nd Stage – best 16 or 32 players ( depending on the number of participants) , – single elimination, race to 7.  The tournament is open for all the athletes


Please in only !!!! . Registration will be closed on 14 October 2018.

Dress code: Polo shirt or shirt, one color trousers (no jeans and sport trousers allowed), shoes (no sneakers and sport shoes allowed).

Prize money

1st – place- 1.000 euro, 2nd place- 700 €, 3-4th place- 400 euro ,5-8thplace- 200 €.

Entry-fee for men athletes is 55€ and women and pupil athletes 35€. The participants pay during the registration.


19 October 2018– 18.00 in Black & White Billiard Club 

Open tournament for pars . Entry fee 10 euro per team.

Registration in the club from 17.30 to 18.00 .

The sports system will be set according to the number of teams.


Tournament director – Adrian Tabacaru.



                  SECOND CHANCE – ATD CUP 10-Ball OPEN

                                       (Premiere League and Amateur League)


The tournament is open  for players who finished participation in Dynamic Best of the East –Romania 9-Ball !!!

21.10.2018 – 9:30 –10:00- registration; 10:30 – start matches, 16:00- final;

Entry fee – Free for players who finished participation in Dynamic Best of the East Romania 2018,

– 20 € – Premiere League

– 10 € – Amateur League




PREMIERE LEAGUE – 4  Vouchers to one event of the ‘DYNAMIC BEST OF THE EAST 2019 (entry fee and accommodation-will be paid direct to the organizer of the Tournaments  after the competition). 2 for men, 1 for women and 1 for a junior ( if will be registered minimum 5 participants).

AMATOR LEAGUE- 4 Travel Vouchers in Prahova Valley or in Bucharest City (accommodations for 3 nights and breakfast – date choice from present till end of the year): -2 for men, 1 for woman and 1 for junior ( if will be registered minimum 5 participants).


ATD Dynamic Company would like to recommends prices for participants of Dynamic Best of the East  !!!!

Sky Hotel – twin room – 45 euro . Breakfast 4-5 euro. 

Royal Hotel –twin room 55euro with breakfast

          twin room – 30 euro with breakfast

         Apartment  – 40 euro with breakfast 

Hotel booking :


Tournament director : Marcin Krzeminski

Technical director – Adrian Tabacaru,

Head referee – Alexandru Balas.



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